.. _migrations: Migrations ========== A migration is a change to the database schema (structure) or data. Migrations are either run before the app starts serving (foreground) or whilst the app is serving (background). Typically schema changes are done in foreground and data background migrations, but this need not be the case. Quart-DB considers migrations to be linear and forward only, as such migrations are numbered from 0, to 1, onwards. Each migration is a python file containing a ``migrate`` function with the following signature, .. code-block:: python async def migrate(connection: quart_db.Connection) -> None: ... ``migrate`` will run before the app starts serving (in the foreground) and should run whatever queries are required for the migration. A migration may also include a ``background_migrate`` function for a migration that runs whilst the app is serving (in the background) with the following signature, .. code-block:: python async def background_migrate(connection: quart_db.Connection) -> None: ... ``background_migrate`` will run whilst the app is serving. Note all the foreground migrations will complete before the background migrations start. The file can also contain an optional ``valid_migration`` function with the following signature, .. code-block:: python async def valid_migration(connection: quart_db.Connection) -> bool: ... ``valid_migration`` should check that the migration was successful and the data in the database is as expected. It can be omitted if this is something you'd prefer to skip. Transactions ------------ Foreground migrations run in a transaction and hence the migration code must execute without error and the ``valid_migration`` function (if present) return True, otherwise the transaction is rolled back. Background migrations do not run in a transaction, but should be idempotent to allow Quart-DB to retry if the migration if it is cancelled by the app shutdown. Type conversion --------------- Custom type conversion is not possible in the migration scripts as the conversion code must be registered before the corresponding type is created in the migtration. Invocation ---------- The migrations are automatically invoked during the app startup. Alternatively it can be invoked via this command:: quart db-migrate Note that background migrations are forced to run in the foreground thereby blocking this command until they finish.